
An artist must be able to render key events in our society. It analyzes our past, fits in its present and can glimpse our future. Because one of the greatest qualities of a work is its timelessness. This is why the artist Cyril KONGO has chosen to approach the subject of the cryptocurrency he considers a contemporary element heralding our future.

Bitcoin HODL

2018 200X250cm Mixed media French linen


2018 100x100cm Mixed media French linen


2018 120x120cm Mixed media French linen

Indeed, the cryptocurrency questions our society: underground economy, allowing monetary exchanges without institutional intermediaries, it frees itself from the established order and the economic norms, and questions the confidence granted to the system in place. These concepts of emancipation, radicalism, independence and change of our society are strong concepts, vectors of creativity in the eyes of the artist.


2018 120x120cm Mixed media French linen

Bitcoin and Blockchain

2018 200x300cm Mixed media French linen